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the humble



Image: Earth Abyss #1, Humilitas series, 2023. Pigment print on archival Hahnemühler paper, 80 x 80 cm.

What can the earth teach the image about restraint, humility,

and the human’s place on this planet?

On humility

"The consciousness and feeling of the insignificance of one's moral worth in comparison with the law is humility (humilitas moralis). A conviction of the  greatness of one's moral worth, but only from failure to  compare it with the law, can be called moral arrogance (arrogantia moralis). Waiving any claim to moral worth in oneself, in the belief that one will thereby acquire a borrowed worth, is morally false servility (humilitas spuria).


True humility follows unavoidably from our sincere and exact comparison of ourselves with the moral law (its holiness and strictness). But from our capacity for internal lawgiving and from the (natural) man feeling himself compelled to revere the (moral) man within his own person, at the same time there comes exaltation and the highest self-esteem, the feeling o f his inner worth (valor), in terms of which he is above any price (pretium) and possesses an inalienable dignity (dignitas interna), which instills in him respect for himself (reverentia)."

Immanuel Kant, "Notes on the lectures of Mr. Kant on the metaphysics of morals", in Lectures on Ethics, ed. Peter Heath and J.B. Schneewind, trans. Peter Heath, Cambridge University Press, 1997 (notes taken by Johann Friedrich Vigilantius, begun October 14, 1793)

  • How does the timescale of deep geology manifest? how may we perceive and register it? Metamorphosis, trace and the rock strata: time, movement, weather, sediment, erosion

  • The nothing, emptiness and the infinite

“I believe I should attempt to make that which I do not know”

Eduardo Chillida (Writings)

Elogio del Horizonte [In Praise of the Horizon], Eduardo Chillida, 1990, image by Jesus Uriarte. © Chillida Foundation.

View works in progress: photography and objet d'art (found object, organic matter):

All materials © ISABEL ROCAMORA STUDIO and collaborators, 2023.

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