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ARTIST TALKS (selected)

24.05.23 – "Humilitas: on Humility and the Earth (questions, processes, forms)" at CAN (Centre Art i Natura, Farrera). Project in partnership with Centre d' Art La Panera and supported by Ajuntament de LleidaCatalan Pyrenees. 

25.11.16 – "The Image-making Philosophies of Faith and Body of War" at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. Chaired by Annalisa Piccirillo. 

09.07.16 – "Imaging Faith" at Summerhall, Edinburgh. Chaired by Mark Cauchi. (In the context of solo exhibition at Summerhall Galleries, Edinburgh).

03.06.16 – "Imaging Faith", "Film and the other arts" symposia at the University of Edinburgh.

28.01.16 – "Imaging Faith" at Stills Gallery, Edinburgh.

24.09.15 – "Troubled Histories, Ecstatic Solitudes" at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. (In the context of solo exhibition at Koffler Gallery, Toronto).

14.10.14 – Masterclass, École de Danse Contemporaine de Montréal, Canada. (Presented by Cinédanse Montréal).

08.10.14 – Masterclass, École de Danse de Québec, Canada. (Presented by Cinédanse Montréal).

09.05.13 – "Facing the Other - the gesture of war", to accompany the exhibition An Idea of Beauty curated by Franziska Nori at Strozzina Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Palazzo Strozzi, Florence.

13.06.12 – Artist introduction and Q&A of Forward Motion "Insights" programme, including Horizon of ExileBritish Council Amman, Jordan.

18.06.12 – Artist introduction and Q&A of Forward Motion "Insights" programme, including Horizon of ExileDar Al-Kalimah University, Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories.

16.06.12 – Artist introduction and Q&A of "Insights" programme, Forward Motion, including Horizon of ExileAl-Kasaba Cinematheque, Ramallah, Palestinian Territories.

19. 05.12 – Artist introduction and Q&A of Forward Motion "Insights" and "Artist Choice" programmes, including Horizon of Exile, British Council, PAN Museum, Naples, Italy.

28. 02.12 – "On formalised violence and its representation", Minshar Art School, Israel.

06. 03.12 – Artist introduction and Q&A of Forward Motion "Insights" programme, including Horizon of Exile, British Council Israel, Holon Cinemathèque.

07. 03.12 – "The Intimacy of Violence: body as defence architecture", Hamidrasha School of Art, Israel.

25. 02.12 – Artist introduction and Q&A of Forward Motion "Artist Choice" programme, Institut Français, Rabat, Morocco.


30.11.11 – "Moving Image – Place, Ethics and Poetics", artist talk, Palau Palmerola Art Consulting, Barcelona.

26.11.11 – Artist Q&A after screening of Body of War (British Premiere) at Cinecity Film Festival, Brighton.

15. 10.11 – Artist introduction and Q&A of Forward Motion "Insights" programme, including Horizon of Exile, Maqamat Dance House, Beirut, Lebannon.

01.08.11 – "On Horizon of Exile and Body of War", Austrian Cultural Forum NY. Introduced by Andreas Stadler.

02.06.11 and 08.06.11 – Tour of the exhibition and artist talk - on The Intimacy of ViolenceGaleria Senda, Barcelona. 

09.05.11 – "Body of War: The Intimacy of Violence", in the context of symposium 'The use of art video as critical mechanism', for the Catalonia Association of Art Critics (ACCA), at the Círculo Artistico, Barcelona. 

10.01.11 – "Experience and Expertise" at IDN creative lab, Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona.

09.12.10 – "Moving Image Platforms and the Independent Artist", IMZ at Cinedans, Amsterdam.

04.12.10 – "Formats and Creativity", L'Animal a l'Esquena, Girona, Spain. IDN creative lab.

(Talks 1996 - 2009 to follow)





Imaging Faith

"Faith to Faith in Conversation III"

Chair: Yahya Barry (Imam of Edinburgh Central Mosque). Invited panelists: Rabbi David Rose (Rabbi at Edinburgh Central Synagogue). Main speaker: Isabel Rocamora. Participants: Edinburgh Central Mosque congregation. Summerhall, Edinburgh. 07.07.16


"Faith to Faith in Conversation II"

Chair: Rabbi David Rose. Invited panelists: Revd Scott MacKenna (Minister of Mayfield Salisbury Parish Church, Yahya Barry (Imam of Edinburgh Central Mosque). Main speaker: Isabel Rocamora. Participants: Edinburgh Central Synagogue congregation. Summerhall, Edinburgh. 26.06.16


"Cultures of Prayer: Faith to Faith in Conversation"

Chair: Isabel Rocamora. Speakers: Lilian Lee (lay Chaplain, Roman Catholic), Dr Harriet Harris (Church of Scotland), Sohaib Saeed (Imam Glasgow Mosque), Rabbi David Rose (Rabbi Edinburgh Central Synagogue), To complement the solo exhibition Imaging Faith by artist filmmaker Isabel Rocamora at Summerhall Galleries (25 May - 13 July 2016), a special speaker event is being co-curated by the Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace (MESP) and the Isabel Rocamora Studio. Summerhall, Edinburgh. 07.06.16


Troubled Histories, Ecstatic Solitudes


"Post-secular ideas in contemporary culture"

The Koffler Gallery, Toronto. While generating prolific philosophical and artistic traditions throughout history, the dichotomy of religious and secular thought also lies at the core of many social and political divides. Inspired by Isabel Rocamora's film works, Mark Cauchi (Department of Humanities, York University) and John Caruana (Department of Philosophy, Ryerson University) will examine the ways in which contemporary artistic, intellectual and social developments challenge the opposition between the secular and the religious. 22.11.15

Horizon of exile

Book launch, Isabel Rocamora : Horizon of Exile at Loop International Videoart Fair, Barcelona, Spain Speakers: Angela Molina F. (curator), Magda González-Mora (essay contributor), Isabel Rocamora. 29.05.09



"The Archaeology of Residue". Speakers: Dan Hicks, Christine Finn and Isabel Rocamora. Watershed, Bristol. 2005.

All materials © ISABEL ROCAMORA STUDIO and collaborators, 2023.

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