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Artist essay

“Performance, Moving Image, Installation: the making of Body of War and Faith”, in Cinematic Intermediality: Theory and Practice, eds. Marion Schmid and Kim Knowles, Edinburgh University Press, 2021.

Artist monograph

Isabel Rocamora – Horizon of exile, Sala Parpalló, Valencia, Spain. Critical essays by John Adams, Magda González-Mora, Amira Hass, Isabel Rocamora, ed. Angela Molina F. and Isabel Rocamora. 2009.

ISBN 0-9545940-1-0.


Exhibition Catalogues (selected)

4 x 5 Coleccionistas, Creadoras y Narrativas Audiovisuales (4 x 5 Collectors, Creators and Audiovisual Narratives). Ed. Museo Patio Herreriano de Valladolid. Curator: Margarita Aizpuru. 2016. 


Isabel Rocamora – Troubled Histories, Ecstatic Solitudes, Koffler Gallery, Toronto, Canada. Essay by Mark Cauchi, ed. Mona Filip. 2015. 


Works in the Collection of Bob and Renee Drake, the Netherlands. 2015. 
An Idea of Beauty, Strozzina Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy. Ed. Mandragora. 2013. Hardback.

Shifting Sands: recent video from the Middle East, Rubin Centre for the Visual Arts, El Paso, Texas, US. 2012. 

Videoformes Exhibition, Ed. Videoformes, France. 2012. 

The Eye of the Collector, Works of Video Art from the Manuel de Santarén Collection, Palladino Editore, ed. Julia Draganovic and Claudia Löffelholz, Museum of Modern Art of Bologna, Italy. 2012. Book.

VideoStorias, Artium Museum of Contemporary Art, Vitoria, Spain, ed. Artium. Critical essays by including: Imma Prieto and Blanca de la Torre. 2011. Book.

Remote Viewing: Loop Barcelona 2003 - 2009, ed. La Fabrica Editorial and Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona, 2010. 2010. 

Poetroniche, Video e Cinema Oltre, Invideo, ed. Mimesis, 2007. 



Electric Pavilion – Reimagining the city of Bristol, Ed. Tigerprawn, U.K. Authored chapter “Residual” by Isabel Rocamora, ed. by David Drake. 2006. 


Swischenzeit, introduction by Beverly Piersol. Ed. Heimo Vallner. Schrattenberg, Austria. 1994. 

Maranola Città Invisibile, Andrea Colaianni, Enrico Forte, Ed. Regione Lazio Assessorato alla Cultura, Italy. 1994. 

Academic writings on my work

Cauchi, Mark "Every Wholly Other: Postsecular Pluralism in Isabel Rocamora's Faith", Film-Philosophy Journal 28.2 (2024): 269–293, Edinburgh University Press, open access.

Piccirillo, Annalisa, "La Sospensione" in Disseminazioni Coreografiche: scritture corporee femminili e postcoloniali (Choreographic Disseminations. Women’s Postcolonial Bodily Writings), Università di Napoli L'Orientale: UniOr Press. 2023. (Italian).

Cauchi, Mark, "Imaging Retreat: On Isabel Rocamora's Faith". International Society of Religion, Literature, and Culture Conference, University of Glasgow. 2016. (York University Toronto)


Cauchi, Mark, "Faith in film: On Isabel Rocamora's Faith". Film-Philosophy Conference, University of Edinburgh. 2016. (York University Toronto)


Vitaglione, Sylvie, "New Materials: Natural Elements and the Body in Screen Dance". The International Journal of Screendance, Vol. 6, 2016. (New York University)


Glessing, Jill. "Isabel Rocamora: Troubled Histories, Ecstatic Solitudes". Afterimage: Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism. Vol. 43, no. 5. Rochester, NY. March/ April 2016. (University of California)

Kloetzel, Melanie, "Bodies in place: location as collaborator in dance film". International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, V. 11, Issue 1, 2015. (p.18-41). (University of Calgary)


Piccirillo, Annalisa, "Coreografie Disseminate.'Corpi-archivio' della danza femminile (Disseminated Choreographies. 'Archive-bodies' in female dance). Chapter IV - "Isabel Rocamora's suspension". Doctoral Thesis, Università degli studi di Napoli "L' Orientale", Naples, Italy. 2012. Italian.

Piccirillo, Annalisa, "Ricordare la danza, danzare la memoria: l’archiviazione ‘altra’ di Isabel Rocamora" (Remembering dance, dancing memory: the 'other' archiving of Isabel Rocamora). PAN Museum, Naples/ Collettivo Urto. Issue: "Donne, Danze e Dimore: Archivi del Mediterraneo" (Women, Dance and Dwellings: Mediterranean Archive). 3 May 2011. Italian.

Piccirillo, Annalisa (2011) "(Un)Veiled Bodies Performing Incalculable Choreographies". Goldsmiths, University of London. Issue: "Race and Digital Media". 16 June 2011.

Piccirillo, Annalisa (2011) "The Choreographic ‘Horizon’ of Isabel Rocamora: Incalculable Choreographies", Sabanci University, Istanbul. ISEA Workshop “Exile Writing, Arts and Technologies of Women”. 12 Sept 2011.

Books referencing my work


Crisafulli, Fabrizio, Place, Body, Light. The Theater of Fabrizio Crisafulli, 1991-2011, ed. by Nika Tomasevic, forward by Silvana Sinisi, Artdigiland Books, Dublin. 2013.

Wilson, Stephen, Art and Science Now. Thames & Hudson, U.K. 2010.

Lux, Simonetta, Lingua Stellare (The Language of Stars), Lithos, Rome. 2003.
Guarino, Raimondo, Teatro dei Luoghi (Theatre of Place), Gatd, Rome. 1998.

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