vanitas I humilitas

Vanitas-Humilitas # 2, objet d'art. Found object, vanity fan frame (painted wood and textile), slate, earth. Dim.: 72 x 41.5 x 6.5 cm. The Pyrenees, 2023.
"Today I found a gilted fan display case in a bric-à-brac shop. From the recesses of my memory: an image of a village house. This object could only be Spanish (French, maybe).
My first thought-image after that was: fill it with earth, or with pollen or pine needles!
The golden frame, the golden age, the society fan...
The empty display box. A spectre of the human - nowhere to be seen. A silence, an absence, a void. Next to the immensity of the earth - the mountain
How gold invites a foregrounding of the humble – think of Fra Angelico
It's the gold that lets the bare be seen - that makes manifest the naked, exposed, fragile
The convention of framing - a containment
Enquire into the relation between matter and the image
To permeate each other
Ever so ancient and ever so contemporary - Cy Twombly
To undo, to let be, to let the deep time of geology speak"
(Notes, 10.06.22)
Work in progress.
Organic matter
Conceptual text (vanity fan encased frame)
Digital image of V / H 1 // Digital image of V / H 2 (process) - slates and open frame
Link to / from The Humility of Slate (research).
[page in progress]